Heaven on Earth, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Heaven on Earth, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

Back in training I remember a volunteer describing living and working in her site. She also mentioned the slowness of weekends, but how amazing they are because, unlike back in the US, you never really have anything stressful going on. While you have errands you might need to run, there is nothing really urgent that needs to get done, no stressful trips to malls, grocery stores, Costco, etc., Your weekends are just for you, and you can be as LAZY as you want.

I mean sure, I try to do all my laundry and cooking on the weekends so I don't have to worry about that stuff during the week, but sometimes the rain (or really most times now since it is rainy season) prevents me from any true "productivity". My weekends are just for me. Sometimes I travel or there are peace corps events like welcome parties, etc., but most times I lounge around my house, sipping on the instant coffee I once despised but now have come to love, reading, catching up on emails, etc., just relaxing. It is so weird not really having anything to do. There is no hustle and bustle, no sense of urgency, just me and my mind (which is sometimes a dangerous combination).

At first I wasn't a huge fan of these lazy weekends, however, now I have come to truly appreciate them so much that often times, I find myself dreading leaving for the weekend and having to deal with the real world, catching chicken buses and getting caught in a rainstorm. I find myself indulging in the slow pace of Guatemalan life (well during the weekends anyway, not so much during office hours!)...

It is a beautiful, simple sort of existence I have here...one I am truly trying to appreciate without questioning, because I know it won't always be this way...

1 comment:

  1. that sounds awesome. i could totally use a couple days a week where i have absolute NO obligations, just sit around an not have to worry about anything. maybe some day!!
